Saturday 13 March 2021

Room 6 Updates

 Welcome to Week Six- this term is flying by! 

The students have well and truly settled into the daily routines and are becoming more confident in their learning environment. I am so impressed at how well they have adjusted to life as a Pre-Primary student, each of them working extremely hard and putting 120% into all that they do.


We are continuing to revise the single sounds and The Golden Word list. In the coming weeks, the students will begin learning words from The Red Word list. You can assist them with learning and revising these words by using their Sight Word Folder, which was sent home last week. The students have been practising blending- saying the sounds in three letter words and blending the sounds together to say the word. They are also reading these words in short sentences. 


In Week Four the students completed an oral presentation All About Me. The students all did a great job standing up in front of their peers to share the information. We have also started news, which will continue through till the end of term.  The students have been given a day to present their news and a topic that they will need to present about. This news roster is displayed on our class notice board. Having this structured approach will allow the children to further develop their speaking and listening skills.  Please help your child to research the topic if necessary and plan what they will say. The skills they should focus on are speaking clearly, using an appropriate volume and looking at the audience. 

It is important that all of the children participate in the program. If your child is away, there is a public holiday or they are unable to participate on their set day, they may do so on the following day. 

Sight Word Folders

Sight Word Folders have been sent home. Please keep your folder at home for the week and return on your child's allocated day for us to review. Please practise these words daily in short sessions. You could write the words onto card and place them around the house, or play games like memory and fish. 

Guided Reading Books

Guided Reading books will be coming home on Thursdays.  Please listen to your child read their book, and assist them with words as required. You can ask them questions to assist with the comprehension of the story:
Who were the characters?
What was the...?
Why do you think...?
What do you think might happen next?

Please return these reading books on Monday. It is important they are returned on time as a new group will be reading the book. 

Library Day

Our library day is Monday. Please place library books in their library bag and into the blue box every Monday morning. A reminder that students will not be able to borrow a book without their library bag and/or without returning their book. 


In numeracy, we are revising the numbers to 20, how to write them and counting collections. Students have also been learning to sort data and create graphs. They have enjoyed revising concepts and skills through hands on rotation activities, with some favourites being Snakes and Ladders, Spotty Subitising Spider and Catch a Critter. 


In Science, we are observing the weather and discussing the symbols used on weather charts. We have created our own weather chart in class, to track the weather and discuss the changes over the week. We have started exploring the different seasons and their characteristics, and how these seasonal changes and changes in the weather can affect people in their daily lives. 

In Week four, the students engaged in an investigation on how clouds work using shaving foam, water and coloured dye. We will begin investigating wind and what the wind can blow in the coming weeks. 

You can complete the Cloud experiment at home with your child if you wish.

On Entry Assessment

On Entry Assessments will be starting in Week six. A note went home last week regarding the assessment. 

I want to thank you all for the continued support you provide for your child's learning.  Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. 

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